Saturday, 16 December 2017

                                                WEEKLY REFLECTION

              The fifth week of internship started on 11th monday 2017 and ended on 15th friday.This week i get only one class on the 8th standard.The others were dropped due to assembly and other meetings.For my class i prepaired the chart and acivity cards for my lesson.i got adjustment hours for managing the UP Session.

Saturday, 9 December 2017

                                                 WEEKLY REFLECTION

             The fourth week of internship was started on 4th january 2017 and ended on 8th friday 2017.In this week i was completed 5 lesson plants.this week was quite rush for me because of the revision i lag certain lesson plants and i have to take additional period for comleting my lesson plans.i took two lessonplans of the 8th standard and and three of the 9th standard.

Monday, 4 December 2017


                        The saddest incurable disease facing the world today is cancer. But the scariest is the HIV/AIDS virus. It is scary because it is a disease that humans can protect themselves from and for the most part choose not to. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus and it attacks the T cells in our bodies. HIV interferes with our body's ability to effectively fight viruses that  cause diseases. HIV virus leads to AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome, which is a chronic and life threatening condition.
          Nationally HIV/AIDS became known in the early 1980's but studies have shown that HIV/AIDS has been around since the 1950's. It is said that AIDS originated in Africa. For the most part it is a disease that originated from monkeys. There are many stories of how this virus came about. One story rumored is that a monkey in Africa, infected with the HIV virus, stepped on a rock and slit the bottom of his foot leaving infected blood on the rock. Then a man walking the same path stepped on the same rock and the original blood mixed in his wound. No one really knows how it all started; the best explanation the book gives is human consumption of animal meat. Nonetheless HIV/AIDS is a serious disease that is killing America little by little. HIV/AIDS is a preventable disease, which is that everyone, if given the right education, can protect himself or herself. HIV is transmitted through heterosexual and/or homosexual contact with an infected partner; through intravenous drug use; (although less likely today) through blood transfusion, and lastly from mother to baby by crossing placenta during pregnancy or breast-feeding

Saturday, 2 December 2017



         The third week of the internship ended on 30th November 2017,Thursday. Thursday afternoon we got leave due to heavy rain and Friday was also a holiday.I complete two lesson plan on this week.we were instructed to do division on next week due to Christmas exam.

Sunday, 26 November 2017


      The second week of internship was over on 24th Friday 2017. I have completed four lesson plans in this week, two of 9th and two of 8th.on 23rd Tuesday there was an observation by my optional mam Mrs Shiney while I was taking bones and movement in standard 9.I used models and chart as learning aids.
          Critical Analysis
       I have to improve my communication skill little more so that the class become more active and attentive.

Monday, 20 November 2017



                 As part of B.Ed curriculum, we were assigned different schools for internship phase. The second phase of internship started on 13th November 2017. the school allotted for me is St Goretti’s HSS, Nalanchira. During this phase we have to complete 30 lesson plants including health education, physical education, collect relevant data for the project achievement test and diagnostic test.

                       I was assigned VIII.C and IX.C under the guidance of Sr.Rose. I got three periods in class VIII.C and three periods in IX.C during this week. I took the lesson “WHY CLASSIFICATION” in class VIII and “THE BIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT’ in class IX during this class VIII I could complete 3 lesson plan and in class IX also I could complete 3 lesson plan.

Critical analysis

        As usual first day was started with the prayer. Then  HM of the school gave as a brief introduction and directed us to take our respective classes.I had a bit tension on the first day but I was happy for getting the same class as I got the first phase of practice teaching.Teaching aids such as models and charts were used during teaching phase.